Uncover the stories held within you.
Share them with your community.
My Story
Television news journalist. Internal communications manager. Marketing & communications director.
These are all job titles that used to define me but never felt like me.
After I graduated from one of the nation’s most prestigious journalism schools in 2008, it seemed like I should have had my career all figured out. (Fancy, expensive degree = success and happiness, right?!) But I spent more than 10 years searching for the right fit, even going back to school for a master’s degree in what I’d originally wanted to study but was talked out of: Creative Writing.
The practice of storytelling is deeply fulfilling on an individual and collective level. Understanding and sharing our stories brings us closer to our true selves, while also building and strengthening a genuine connection to others.
That’s why I’m committed to helping you discover, understand, create, and share your stories and messages through two methods:
Yoga and journaling classes and workshops, which help you understand the stories held within your individual mind, body, and soul.
Due to maternity leave, these sessions are not currently offered. But please connect with me on Substack to receive weekly journal prompts, as well as occasional meditations. You can also meditate with me on Insight Timer.
“The Universe is made of stories,
not of atoms.”
– Muriel Rukeyser
Connect With Me
Whether your goal is to do inner work or to get your voice out there (or maybe both), I am here to help you on your journey. Join me in a class or set up a one-on-one appointment to talk about your project—I’d love to hear from you!